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Mussels in White Wine and Garlic Butter

Weyand's Chef


2 Tbls. Seagold Garlic Butter

1 cup white wine, inexpensive but drinkable

2 lbs. mussels


Melt the garlic butter or regular butter in a wide pan. When the butter is melted, add the wine and bring to a boil. Add the mussels and cover the pot. Steam them for 4-5 minutes. When all of the mussels have opened, you are ready to eat. Use a slotted spoon to serve, and add the delicious wine garlic butter broth to your dish. Be sure to get a delicious crusty bread to soak up the savory broth. Discard any mussels that have not opened.

Note: Weyand’s suggests using our pre-cooked frozen lobster claws or our pre-cooked lobster meat in 14 ounce containers.

Recipe obtained from Crazy For Crab by Fred Thompson



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